Friday, February 6, 2009


It is appropriate that I started my religion blog today on February 6th because today is my Grandpa Louis Leva's 81st birthday. My brothers and I for some reason always call him "Pattoo" pronounced PAhh-too." The reason this is appropriate is because he is the main reason for my devotion to my religion. He is a Eucharistic Minister, the head usher for his parish, and a daily attendee at mass. Ever since I was little he would tell me about the different saints, especially Padre Pio. It was always very interesting to me.

Since then, whenever something that had to do with religion came up, he was always my "go to."
When I became an altar boy, he was the one I chose to put the rope around me.
He was the one to always take me to all the early masses I had to serve.
He took me to all 9 First Friday's when I made that devotion. (Speaking of which, today is a First Friday).
When I made my confirmation, he was my sponsor. (Not that this was too surprising, I knew he'd be my sponsor since 2nd grade).
And I just became a Eucharistic Minister this year to follow in his footsteps.

He deserved a shout-out on this page for all he has done for me and my family. Happy Birthday Grandpa. This Blog page will always be dedicated to you. I love you.

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