Friday, February 6, 2009


Chaplet of Divine Mercy (Jesus to Sister Faustina)

“Even if there were a sinner most hardened, if he were to recite this chaplet only once, he would receive grace from my infinite mercy.”

3pm- The Hour of Great Mercy for the world
“In this hour I will refuse nothing to a soul that makes a request of Me in virtue of My passion. “

Feast of Divine Mercy- Sunday after Easter
“On that day the very depths of My mercy are open. The soul that will go to confession and receive communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment.”

Plenary Indulgences

Sacred Heart of Jesus (Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary)

To Christians devoted to the Sacred Heart.

1. I will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life.
2. I will give peace in their families.
3. I will console them in all their troubles.
4. I will be their refuge in life and especially in death.
5. I will abundantly bless all their undertakings.
6. Sinners shall find in my Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy.
7. Tepid souls shall become fervent.
8. Fervent souls shall rise speedily to great perfection.
9. I will bless those places wherein the image of My Sacred Heart shall be exposed and venerated.
10. I will give to priests the power to touch the most hardened hearts.
11. Persons who propagate this devotion shall have their names eternally written in my Heart.
12. In the excess of the mercy of my Heart, I promise you that my all powerful love will grant to all those who will receive Communion on the First Fridays, for nine consecutive months, the grace of final repentance: they will not die in my displeasure, nor without receiving the sacraments; and my Heart will be their secure refuge in that last hour.

7 Promises of Mary (Mary to St. Bridget)

Say 7 Hail Mary’s daily & meditate on her tears & 7 dolors- (1) Prophesy of Simeon (2) Flight into Egypt (3) Losing Jesus in the temple (4) Meeting with Jesus on way to Calvary (5) Crucifixion (6) Taking Jesus down from the Cross (7) Burial of Jesus

#1- I will grant peace to their families.
#2- They will be enlightened about the divine mysteries.
#3- I will give them as much as they ask for, as long as it does not oppose the will of Jesus in the sanctification of their soul.
#4- I will console their pains & accompany them in their work.
#5- I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the devil and protect them at every instant of their lives.
#6- I will visibly help them at the hour of their death, they will see their Mother.
#7- (through Jesus) Those following this devotion will be taken directly to heaven.

2 Divine Promises (Jesus to a Polish soul)

Promise I "Each priest who worthily offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for 30 consecutive days and, in addition, Makes the Stations of the Cross daily, will receive for himself and another soul selected by him, the assurance of eternal salvation.''
Promise II "Likewise, each individual who will receive Holy Communion worthily for 30 consecutive days, and will recite one Our Father and Hail Mary for the welfare of the Holy Catholic Church, will receive for himself and one other soul selected by him, the assurance of eternal salvation.”

Prayer of St. Gertrude (Jesus to St. Gertrude)

“Each time this prayer is said I will release 1,000 souls from Purgatory.”

+ Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most precious blood of Thy Divine Son Jesus. In union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, sinners in the universal Church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus +

15 Promises of Mary to Christians who recite the Rosary

1. To all those who shall recite my Rosary devoutly, I promise my special protection and very great graces.
2. Those who shall persevere in the recitation of my Rosary will receive some signal grace.
3. The Rosary will be a very powerful armor against Hell; it will destroy vice, deliver from sin, and dispel heresy.
4. The Rosary will make virtue and good works flourish, and will obtain for souls the most abundant divine mercies; it will substitute in hearts love of God for love of the world, and elevate them to desire heavenly and eternal good. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means!
5. Those who trust themselves to me through the Rosary will not perish.
6. Those who shall recite my Rosary piously, considering its mysteries, will not be overwhelmed by misfortune, nor die a bad death. The sinner will be converted; the just will grow in grace and become worthy of eternal life.
7. Those truly devoted to my Rosary will not die without the consolations of the Church, or without grace.
8. Those who shall recite my Rosary will find during their life and at their death the light of God, the fullness of His grace, and will share in the merits of the blessed.
9. I will deliver very promptly from Purgatory the souls devoted to my Rosary.
10. The true children of my Rosary will enjoy great glory in Heaven.
11. What you shall ask through my Rosary you shall obtain.
12. Those who propagate my Rosary will obtain through me aid in all their necessities.

To those who honor His Holy Face (Jesus to Sister Mary of St. Peter)

1. "Our lord promised me that He would imprint His Divine likeness upon the souls of those who honor the features of His Face."
2. "By My Holy Face you will work wonders!"
3. "By My Holy Face you will obtain the conversion of many sinners."
4. "Nothing that you ask in virtue of the Holy Face will be refused you. Oh, if only you knew how pleasing is the sight of My Face to My Father."
5. "Just as, in an earthly kingdom, money which is stamped with the picture of the sovereign or ruling executive of the country procures whatever one desires to purchase, so, likewise, in the Kingdom of Heaven, you shall obtain all that you desire by offering the coin of My precious humanity, which is My adorable Face."
6. "Our Lord assured me that all persons who would apply themselves to this Work of Reparation to His Holy Face would perform the same service in His behalf as that which the saintly Veronica had performed."
7. "I will give you My adorable Face, and each time that you present it to My Father, My mouth will be open to plead your cause."
8. "In proportion to the care you take in making reparation to My Face, disfigured by blasphemies, I will take care of yours, disfigured by sin. I will imprint My image on it and render it as beautiful as when it was washed in the waters of Baptism."
9. "Then Our Lord promised me that all who defended His cause in the Work of Reparation, whether by their words, their prayers or by their writing, He would Himself defend before His Eternal Father, and that He would give them His Kingdom. Then it seemed to me that Our Lord urged me to extend this promise in His Name to His priests, who through a crusade of preaching would advance the cause of Reparation. "As for His spouses who would strive to honor and wipe His Holy Face in a spirit of atoning for blasphemies, Our Lord promised that at their death He would purify the face of their souls by effacing the stains of sin, and that He would restore to them their original beauty."

Brown Scapular (Mary to St. Simon Stock)
"...whosoever dies wearing this (the brown scapular) shall not suffer eternal fire"
*Must be enrolled in Brown Scapular
They may gain plenary indulgences, provided they fulfill the usual conditions, on the day they join the confraternity and on the following feasts: the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel (July 16), St Elijah, prophet (July 20), St Simon Stock (May 16), St Therese of the Child Jesus (October 1), St Teresa of Jesus (October 15), All Carmelite Saints (November 14), and St John of the Cross (December 14).

Sabbatine Privilege to Brown Scapular wearers (Mary to Pope John XXII)"As a tender mother, I will descend into Purgatory on the Saturday after their death and will deliver them and bring them to the holy mountain, into the happy sojourn of life everlasting."
( 1 ) Must be enrolled and wearing a Brown Scapular.
(2) Observance of chastity according to one's state of life.
(3) For all who can read, the recitation of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin; otherwise, abstinence from flesh meat on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The latter conditions can be commuted by a priest possessing the faculties, into other good works -----such as the daily recitation of the Rosary, etc.

Miraculous Medal (Mary to St. Catherine Laboure)

Wearing the Medal- The Miraculous Medal is an approved sacramental and allows the the wearer to take advantage of Mary's promise:

"Those who wear it will receive great graces; abundant graces will be given to those who have confidence."

Enrollment in an Association Anyone, living or deceased, Catholic or not, may be enrolled as a member and obtain these graces and the spiritual benefit of Masses offered for members (for example, the Central Association in the U.S. offers 2,500 Masses a year).

Invested membership involves these obligations:

1. Formally enroll in an approved Association and renew the membership yearly
2. Wear the Medal (around the neck is highly recommended)
3. Have the intention to sanctify oneself and others by means of the Medal
4. Investiture which may be done publicly or privately

1. Receive the graces promised by the Blessed Virgin Mary
2. Receive the spiritual benefits of numerous Masses offered for members by the Vincentians
3. Promoters who sign up others receive spiritual benefit from additional Masses
4. Invested members receive an indulgences on the following days:~ Day of joining the Association~ August 22 (Feast of the Queenship of Mary) ~ September 27 (Feast of St. Vincent de Paul)~ November 27 (Feast of the Miraculous Medal)~ November 28 (Feast of St. Catherine Laboure)~ Anniversary date of the founding of the Association in which one is enrolled

First Saturday Devotion (Our Lady of Fatima to Sister Lucia)

Purposes:To establish devotion (in accordance with God's wishes) to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and to make reparation for...

1. Attacks upon the reality of Mary's Immaculate Conception
2. Attacks against her the reality of Mary's Perpetual Virginity
3. Attacks upon Mary's Divine Maternity and the refusal to accept her as the Mother of all mankind
4. Those who try to publicly implant in children's hearts indifference, contempt and hatred for Immaculate Mary
5. For those who insult Mary directly in her sacred images.

Practices: The devotion involves the following practices on five consecutive first Saturdays with the specific intention of making reparation for the offenses (above) against the Blessed Virgin.

1. Go to Confession (within 8 days before or after the first Saturday)
2. Receive Holy Communion
3. Recite five decades of the Rosary*
4. "Keep me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on fifteen mysteries of the Rosary" (separate from the Rosary itself)* (*Preferably done in the presence of the Lord in the Tabernacle or at Exposition)

1. The Virgin Mary's assistance at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation for those who practice the devotion.
2. Salvation of souls and peace as a result of promoting of the Devotion to the Immaculate Heart.

Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe

500 Days Indulgence

+ O our Lady of Guadalupe, mystical rose, make intercession for holy Church, protect the Sovereign Pontiff, help all those who invoke thee in their necessities, and since thou art the ever Virgin Mary and Mother of the true God, obtain for us thy most holy Son the grace of keeping our faith, sweet hope in the midst of the bitterness of life, burning charity and the precious gift of final perseverance. +

Fivefold Scapular

The fivefold scapular conveniently combines the intentions and accompanying graces/indulgences of into a single scapular for practical wearing purposes.

Included are these scapulars, attached by the red cord of the Passion (and listed order from the top layer):Red Scapular of the Passion. Blue Scapular of the Immaculate Conception. Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Black Scapular of the Mother of Sorrows. White Scapular of the Trinity.

1. Investiture in each of the scapulars by a priest
2. Understand the fulfill the individual requirements of each scapular
3. Wear the scapular faithfully

1. Four plenary indulgences* on the day of reception
2. Four plenary indulgences at the hour of death upon reception of the Sacraments
3. Plenary indulgence every Friday (with meditation on the Passion) and two other days of the week
4. Plenary indulgence on feast days of the individual confraternities, the Apostles, the Virgin Mary, the Lord
5. Sabbatine privilege of the Brown Scapular
6. The 433 daily plenary indulgences from Rome, Portiuncula, Jerusalem and Galicia for the Blue Scapular referred to by St. Alphonsus Liquori are no longer valid according to the Apostolic Penitentiary in a letter, 2002. * Plenary indulgences must meet the usual conditions of Confession, Communion, freedom from attachment to sin, prayer for the Pope's intentions (and additionally those of the Church for this scapular specifically). Since normally only one plenary indulgence may be obtained in a day, the others may be applied to souls in Purgatory

Green Scapular Devotion

In addition to the Miraculous Medal, the Virgin Mary chose to use St. Vincent de Paul's Daughters of Charity to reveal a second great sacramental: the Green Scapular. Mary appeared to Sister Justine Bisqueyburu in Paris, France, on Jan. 28, 1840. Actually the fifth of a series of apparitions, Justine was given the design of a new scapular. Sr. Justine was hesitant at first, but eventually revealed the devotion to her Spiritual Director Fr. Aladel (who was also the director of St. Catherine Laboure of the Miraculous Medal). After much delay, the scapulars were produced and distributed with many conversions and cures following. The Green Scapular emphasized the theme of Mary's Immaculate Conception. Bl. Pope Pius IX twice strongly recommended its promotion and use.

1. Wear or carry the scapular
2. To help another, place it in their vicinity (i.e. their room)
3. Pray, at least daily: "Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death"
4. The prayer should be said for oneself and separately for each person to whom it has been given (unless they pray themselves)
5. No enrollment of any kind is necessary, but each scapular should be blessed by a priest (general blessing of sacramentals)
6. Have confidence in the effects of the scapular:
"The greatest graces come from using the scapular but these graces come in direct proportion to the degree of confidence in me which the user has."

1. Conversion of those who do not have the faith
2. Reconciliation to the
Church for those who have lost/strayed from the faith
3. Assurance of a happy death
4. Strengthening of the faith for those already in the Church
5. Protection from Satan for those who wear or promote the scapular

Total Consecration

The Total Consecration' to Mary was popularized by St. Louis de Montfort (1673-1716). St. Louis wrote: "...this devotion consists in surrendering oneself in the manner of a slave to Mary, and to Jesus through her, and then performing all our actions with Mary, in Mary, through Mary, and for Mary".

A heart of the Consecration is trust in Mary on the highest level. Many devotional practices involve striving to allow Mary to guide one's actions and invoking her protection. Total Consecration, however, involves surrendering the value and merits of all prayers and good works (including indulgences) to the Blessed Virgin, trusting that her protection and provision is greater than anything we can do for ourselves.
Below is an outline of the 'process' of Total Consecration. However, The Secret of Mary or the True Devotion to Mary should be read and prayerfully studied prior to making the commitment (they are available at this site).

1. Our good works are more effective since they are sanctified and embellished by the Blessed Virgin
2. Grace is increased in our soul through Mary's intercession and provision
3. Freedom of spirit which is delivered from weariness, sadness and scruples
4. Additional benefits are available to those who join the Confraternity of Mary, Queen of All Hearts

Initial Practices
1. Prayerfully read and study de Montfort's books on the subject
2. Read and follow the 30-day initial preparation formula in The Secret of Mary or the True Devotion to Mary
3. Renew the Consecration each year accompanied by an alm or mortification

Daily Practices
1. Recite the Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin (3 'Our Fathers' and 12 'Hail Marys')
2. Wear a chain or medal reminding us of holy slavery (optional practice)
3. Have special devotion to the Mystery of the Incarnation
4. Devotion and frequent recitation of the Rosary and the Magnificant
5. Have 'great contempt' for the world and its maxims
6. Make every effort do everything THROUGH, WITH, IN and FOR Jesus through Mary

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